One flew over the Bonelli´s eagle nest: an unexpected discovery turned into an opportunity to benefit biodiversity at Solar Power Plants

During the construction of a Solar Power Plant in Portugal, the presence of an ecological value not identified in earlier Environmental Impact Assessment studies was discovered – the Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata), suggesting the possibility of nesting nearby. In a swift response, a targeted Action Plan was implemented by BE to mitigate potential disturbances from […]
Biodiversity Management Action Plan for Alcoutim Solar Park – A Model for Sustainable Energy Development

The Alcoutim Solar Park, located in southeastern Portugal, is a pioneer project seeking the harmonious coexistence of energy production, local community acceptance, and a biodiversity-positive journey. The challenge is great: how to maximize the benefits of these three key elements while ensuring that the development site will be left in a better condition than it […]
Pirapora Solar Power Complex: a sustainable future made of biodiversity, soil and people, together

The Pirapora Solar Power Complex involves the supervision of the environmental programs during the operation phase. The challenge is to ensure compliance with environmental requirements and maintain operational licenses, while also evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation measures and adjusting actions based on the results. Various solutions are being implemented, including regular technical inspections, supervision of […]
Coexistence of Wind Power Plants and Common Kestrels? Adaptive management is the key

Efficient hunters and focused on their preys, common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) often disregard wind turbine blades rotating at high speed. The consequence? High mortality levels, as indicated by a 3-year long post-construction fatality monitoring program led by BE at Candeeiros Wind Power Plant. A targeted Mitigation Plan was implemented, including densification of the vegetation at […]