Comprehensive Biodiversity and Bird Strike Risk Assessment at Airports in Portugal

In 2022, BE was tasked by ANA S.A. with assessing the biodiversity and bird strike risks at 10 of their airports, across mainland Portugal and Madeira and Azores islands.

 This comprehensive work involved a year-long sampling process using various methodologies to identify avifauna, terrestrial mammals, bats, gastropods, and flora within the airport perimeters.

The work highlighted the unique biodiversity characteristics of each airport, influenced by its location and surrounding environment, the type of vegetation present within the airport perimeter, and the efficacy of ongoing wildlife management plans.

Based on these findings, BE developed Biodiversity Action Plans and Biodiversity Management Plans tailored for each airport, aimed to protect endangered or emblematic species, manage invasive species, and reconcile the presence of natural values with the safety of airport operations.

In particular, the Bird Strike Risk Assessment at João Paulo II airport in Azores identified seagulls and birds of prey as posing the highest risk. To mitigate this risk, BE developed a Wildlife Management Plan and a Risk Monitoring Plan to be applied to these species.

Overall, BE’s comprehensive study provided ANA S.A. with valuable information to protect biodiversity and ensure the safe operation of their airports.
