Expansion of the area originally occupied by the Canudos Wind Power Plant to the south required a detailed assessment of the collision risk between the critically endangered Lear’s macaw and the wind turbines.
BE was sought by Voltalia to ensure that the operation of these future turbines would not pose a significant threat to this endemic species .
In an approach like that taken for the construction of the original power plant, BE conducted an in-depth study of the Lear’s macaw activity in the future expansion area, with a sampling effort six times stronger than the internationally recommended effort. The habitats preferentially used by the Lear´s macaw were identified and a Collision Risk Model was used to quantify the collision risk between macaws and the future wind turbines.
The study indicated a low presence of the Lear´s macaw species in the expansion area and therefore a very low collision risk. No roosting or feeding areas were identified in the vicinity of the future wind turbines, reinforcing the conclusion that the collision risk is minimal. The preservation of dense caatinga areas was identified as crucial for the species’ conservation.
Overall, BE provided Voltalia with essential data for informed decision-making, ensuring a responsible and sustainable expansion of the Canudos wind power complex.